PIR sensor with LED

Motion activated lights with EzloPi!

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PIR sensor with LED

The EzloPi smart devices provide automation through simple, customizable use with our open-source EzloPi platform, making daily life easier and improving human-machine interactions.

Before moving into this example, it is very important to know about the device registration, provisioning and converting the ESP32 device into an EzloPi device along with knowledge of Web Flasher, MiOS Mobile Application for Android/iOS and the MiOS Web Application.

1. About this example

The objective of this project is to create a simple home automation system using the EzloPi device. This project interfaces an HC-SR501 Passive Infrared (PIR) motion sensor and an LED, allowing the EzloPi device to detect motion and control the LED based on the sensor's inputs. This project demonstrates the basic principles of home automation and sensor integration using the EzloPi smart platform and the MiOS application.

2. Circuit Diagram & Interface

The following components are required for interfacing with the EzloPi device:

  • ESP32 as an EzloPi smart device.
  • Generic KG001 HC-SR501 PIR sensor. 
  • LED with a current limiting resistor of 82 Ohms.

The wiring diagram for ESP32 30 pins is represented as follows:

The following connections are made in order to complete the entire circuit setup.

From ESP32 (30 pins) to PIR Module:

  • Connect 3V3 from the ESP32 to the VCC of the module.
  • Connect GND from the ESP32 to the GND pin of the module.
  • Connect D4 from the ESP32 to the D0 Pin of the PIR module.

From ESP32 (30 pins) to the LED:

  • Connect the D5 pin from the ESP32 to the LED anode (long leg) through a current limiting resistor of 82 Ohms.
  • Connect the GND to the cathode (short leg) of the LED.

3. Interfacing the PIR Sensor using EzloPi Web Flasher

1. Set up your device/hardware by visiting config.ezlopi.com

  1. Log in using the credentials which you just set earlier while signing up.
  1. Now, click on the Connect Device button and a pop-up window will appear.
  1. Now, select COM Port to which your ESP32 device is connected. In our case, the COM3 port is used.

Click Connect.

  1. If you are new to this and it's your first time configuring, select Create new Device ID. Enter Wifi SSID and Wifi Password.
  1. In the Device Configuration, tab click on Digital Output.
  1. A digital output window will open for inputting the following parameters:
  • Set a device name of your choosing. In our case we set it to LED.
  • Set Out GPIO to 4.
  • Set Resistor to PULL UP.
  • Set the default value to low.
  • Check the Button Enable option.
  • Set INP GPIO to 5.
  • Now Click the Apply button.
  • After clicking the apply button you can see a table of your setting in the device configuration tab.
  • Press the Flash Device button.
  1. A window will appear on the bottom right side of the screen displaying “Please press BOOT button while flashing begins.”
  1. Hold the BOOT button down until the next window appears on the bottom right side of the screen which says “Installation prepared. Please release the boot button now.”
  1. Release the BOOT button from your ESP32 when this pop-up on the bottom right window appears.
  1. After some time, a popup will appear saying Device Flashed Successfully! This means that your device has been set up successfully.

4. MiOS App

You can download the MIOS Android app from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Google PlayApple App Store

  1. After downloading the app, proceed to install the application and open it.
  1. Using the MIOS mobile application, create a new Ezlo Cloud account using the sign-up option. If you already have an account, you may proceed to log in.
  1. After successfully logging in, you will be able to see the number of controllers connected such as a lamp, fan, or any other device in the MiOS app. Tap on any controller of your desired ID:
  1. You will be able to see the status of your controller whether it is online or offline. Access the device dashboard, and tap the device. The following view of the dashboard will appear:
  1. After opening the MiOS mobile dashboard, you will be able to see the tile of your connected device. As can be seen above, the RGB LED strip tile is displayed for controlling the RGB colours of the LED strip.
  2. The slider present on the tile can be used to control the brightness of the LED strip. On the right hand side of the slider button, a button is given through which we can choose the RGB colours of the RGB LED strip.

5. MiOS Web Application

  1. After configuring the controller with the EzloPi web flasher, head to ezlogic.mios.com
  1. Use the same credentials to log in that you used for configuring the controller with the web flasher.
  1. After opening the MiOS web dashboard, you will be able to see the tile of your connected device. In the above figure, the status of the device indicates whether it is ON or OFF. If a person comes near to the PIR sensor, it will switch on the device and vice versa.
  1. As seen above on the dashboard, the bulb is turned OFF, meaning there is no motion being detected.
Buy Components

eZlopie Products A single-channel 5V relay module $00.00

eZlopie Products Momentary switch $00.00

eZlopie Products Level Shifter Module (BSS138) $00.00

eZlopie Products ESP32

eZlopie Products AC Lamp and Holder